Jesuit Online Library

The Jesuit Online LibraryÌýallows users to search 39 Jesuit titles—more thanÌý150,000 pages in more than 1,000 volumes—simultaneously or to browse single volumes individually. The collection includes books and journals inÌýEnglish, French, German, Spanish, Latin, and Portuguese. Searches can be refined by title, date, publication, or author.ÌýThe Institute collaborates with rightsholders to make these titles available online at no cost to the users or publishers. The full contents of the Jesuit Online Library are included with the search capacity of the Portal to Jesuit Studies.


Titles in the Jesuit Online Library include:

Woodstock Letters (1872-1969; 317 volumes; primarily in English)

Studies in the Spirituality of JesuitsÌýÌý(1969-2017; 219 volumes; English)

Historia de la Compañía de Jesús en la asistencia de España (1902-1925; 7 volumes; Spanish)

Histoire de la Compagnie de Jésus en France (1910-1925; 5 volumes; French)

Historia de la Compañía de Jesús en la provincia del Paraguay (1912-1949; 8 volumes; Spanish)

Geschichte der Jesuiten in den ländern deutscher zunge (1907–1928; 6 volumes; German)


With questions or if you wish to collaborate on the Jesuit Online Library, please contact the Institute.