Faculty Directory

Heather Rowan-Kenyon

Department Chair, Educational Leadership & Higher Education



ELHE Educational Leadership & Higher Education


Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., Carroll, S.*, Nicola, T.P.*, & Savitz-Romer, M. (2022). School Counselors and College Counseling During the COVID-19 Pandemic.The Review of Higher Education46(2), 181-208..

Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., Martínez Alemán, A. M, & Savitz-Romer, M. (2018). Technology and engagement: Making technology work for first generation college students. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. - Recipient of the ASHE 2018 Outstanding Book Award

Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., & Martínez-Alemán, A.M. with Gin, K.* Blakeley, B.*, Gismondi, A., Lewis, J.*, McCready, A.*, & Zepp, D.*, Knight, S.* (2016). Social Media in higher education. ASHE Higher Education Report: Volume 42, Number 5. San Francisco: John Wiley.

Savitz-Romer, M., Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., Nicola, T.*, & Carroll, S.* (2023). The policy is that there is no policy: A landscape analysis of state-level school counseling policy.Educational Policy..

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Alexander, E.*, Savitz-Romer, M., Nicola, T.*, Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., & Carroll, S.* (2022). “We are the heartbeat of the school”: How school counselors supported student mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. Professional School Counseling, 26(1b) 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1177/2156759X221105557

Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., McCready, A.M., Martínez Alemán, A.M., & Barone, N.* (2021). Does experiencing racialized aggressions on social media influence perceptions about the campus racial climate? Research in Higher Education. 10.1007/s11162-021-09662-8

Martínez Alemán, A.M, Barone, N.*, Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., & McCready, A. (2021). Cultural mistrust, college students of color, and social media. Sage Open, 11(4). https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211056625

Savitz-Romer, M., Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., Nicola, T.*, Alexander, E.*, Carroll, S.* (2021). When the kids are not alright: School counseling in the time of COVID-19. AERA Open, 7(1), 1-16. https:/doi.org/10.1177/23328584211033600

McCready, A.M., Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., Martínez Alemán, A.M., & Barone, N.* (2021). Students of color, mental health, and racialized aggressions on social media. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 58(2), 179-195. DOI: 10.1080/19496591.2020.1853555

Rowan-Kenyon, H. T., McCready, A. M., Martínez Alemán, A. M., & Barone, N. (2021). Measuring racist aggressions on social media and the effects on U.S. college students of color: An instrument validation. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 54(3), 156-172. https://doi.org/10.1080/07481756.2020.1827437

Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., Knight, S.*, McCready, A.* (2018). Setting the stage: Pre-trip preparation for short-term immersion programs. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 56(1), 78-91. https://doi.org/10.1080/19496591.2018.1506792

Rowan-Kenyon, H.T., Savitz-Romer, M., Ott, M.W.*, Swan, A., and Liu, P.* (2017). Finding conceptual coherence: Trends and alignment in the scholarship on noncognitive skills and their role in college success and career readiness. Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, 32, 141-179. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-48983-4_4


  • 2018 Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Outstanding Book Award
  • Associate Editor of the Review of Higher Education
  • Emerging Scholar Award, American College Personnel Association, 2008