Major & Minor

Major in Art History

Students interested in majoring in Art History should contact the Director of Undergraduate Study for Art History,
Prof. Oliver Wunsch.

The Art History major requires 11 courses (33 credits):

  • ARTH1101 Intro to Art History I: Pre-History to Middle Ages
  • ARTH1102 Intro to Art History II: Renaissance to Modern
  • 罢飞辞听of the following three courses: ARTH2212 East Asian Art and Architecture, ARTH2213 Islamic Art and Architecture, ARTH2250 Introduction to African Art and Visual Culture
  • One Studio Art (ARTS) course or ARTH4314 The Materials of Art and their Conservation
  • Elective 1 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 2 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 3 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 4 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 5 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • ARTH4401 Seminar in Art Historical Research (must be taken in the fall semester of junior or senior year)
  • Optional thesis: Students who are interested in writing a thesis should sign up for聽ARTH4483聽Senior Thesis in Art History聽in the spring semester of their senior year. Students who write a senior thesis are eligible for departmental honors.

Minor in Art History

Students interested in minoring in Art History should contact the Director of Undergraduate Study for Art History,
Prof. Oliver Wunsch.

The Art History minor requires 6 courses (18 credits):

  • ARTH1101 Intro to Art History I: Pre-History to Middle Ages
  • ARTH1102 Intro to Art History II: Renaissance to Modern
  • One of the following three courses: ARTH2212 East Asian Art and Architecture, ARTH2213 Islamic Art and Architecture, ARTH2250 Introduction to African Art and Visual Culture
  • Elective 1 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 2 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 3 (3000 or 4000 level)

The Art History minor also requires a copy of a research paper written in one of the Art History elective courses. To satisfy the requirement, the paper must have received a grade of B or above. Please submit the paper to聽Prof. Oliver Wunsch.

Courses counted for the minor must be taken for a grade, not pass/fail. At least 15 credits (5 courses) in the minor program must not be used to fulfill any other major or minor.

Museum Studies Concentration

The Art History major can also be completed with a concentration in Museum Studies, which requires a minimum of 12 courses (36 credits):

  • ARTH1101 Intro to Art History I: Pre-History to Middle Ages
  • ARTH1102 Intro to Art History II: Renaissance to Modern
  • 罢飞辞听of the following three courses: ARTH2212 East Asian Art and Architecture, ARTH2213 Islamic Art and Architecture, ARTH2250 Introduction to African Art and Visual Culture
  • ARTH4314 The Materials of Art and Their Conservation
  • ARTH4370 Museum of Art: History, Philosophy, and Practice Course
  • One of the following courses: MGMT1021 Organizational Behavior,聽MGMT2123 Negotiation, MGMT2127 Leadership, MGMT2132 Managing Change,聽MGMT2133 Leading High Performance Teams, MGMT2265 Globalization, Culture, and Ethics
  • Elective 1 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 2 (2000 or 3000 level)
  • Elective 3 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • Elective 4 (3000 or 4000 level)
  • ARTH4401 Seminar in Art Historical Research (must be taken in the fall semester of junior or senior year)