Production Lab Registration

Students, majors and non-majors alike, who work on preparation crews or running crews for Theatre Department productions are eligible to sign up for a one-credit lab. You may register anytime up through the drop/add period. It is recommended that anyone who is auditioning for a show sign up for a production lab after the auditions on the first weekend of the semester.

A theater major is required to earn six laboratory credits in order to complete the major. Students will be graded pass/fail for most labs. No experience is necessary to sign up for a lab and the supervisor will convey specific requirements for what is expected in that section. There are no ‘majors only’ restrictions. It is open to everyone although some areas require the permission of the instructor to register.


Students will sign up for specific areas by registering for a class according to the course number. (See course number designations and descriptions below)

Labs will be filled on a first come – first serve basis. During early registration seniors will have the first choice over which labs they wish to take. We encourage getting a broad experience of labs throughout your four years in the department.

Some labs are ‘by permission only’ which means you must get an override slip from the instructor to take this lab. Such labs include being light and soundboard operators, assistant designers, assistant technical director, house managers, or other specialty offerings.

When all labs have been filled, which means all the prep and running crews are fully staffed, then instructors will have the option to override you into that lab later.

Students will not be able to sign up for the two of the same lab in any given semester.

If you are auditioning, wait until the auditions are over to sign up.

Theatre Production Lab I

Prep Crews

Preparation crews in the various areas for the six Theatre Department productions. Graded either A, C, or F by their supervisor.

THTR 1022: Costumes
Ten students
Quinn Burgess
This production lab meets by arrangement weekly in the costume shop building costumes for the department productions.

THTR 1024: Electrics
Twelve students
Andrew Andrews
This production lab meets by arrangement as needed for load in and set up of the lighting equipment for the department productions.

THTR 1023: Paint/Props
Eight students
Russell Swift
This production lab meets by arrangement as needed in the scenic shop or on stage building props or painting scenery for the department productions.

THTR 1021: Scenery
Eight students
Russell Swift
This production lab meets by arrangement as needed in the scenic shop or on stage building and rigging scenery for the department productions.p>

THTR 1025: Sound Design Basics
Four students
George Cooke
This production lab meets by arrangement as a classroom-style course to create a basis in sound design.

THTR 1026: Special Topics
By permission only
Department permission
This is a blank section to be used only under special circumstances for special topics.

Theatre Production Lab II

Run Crews

Running the show in the various areas for the six Theatre Department productions. Graded either A, C, or F by their supervisor. The enrollment cap will vary depending on the needs of that semester’s shows.

THTR 1012: Wardrobe
Six students (Fall) / ten students (Spring)
Jacqueline Dalley
Wardrobe arrives before and stays after the actors to check in all costumes. These crew members assist the actors with makeup, hair and difficult changes. Wardrobe crews must be able to be at all of the dress rehearsals, performances and strike for the one department show that they are assigned. Assignments for the shows will be made in the first week of the semester.

This lab also includes assistant costume designers that are assigned by permission only through the instructor.

THTR 1014: Electrics Run Crew and Assistant Lighting Designers
By permission
Andrew Andrews
Light board operators, spotlight operators, production electricians and assistant lighting designers arrive before and stay after the actors to check lights and run the show. Electrics run crews must be able to be at all of the technical and dress rehearsals, performances and strike for the one department show that they are assigned.

Assignments will be made in the first week of the semester. By permission only through the instructor.

THTR 1031: Assistant Scenic Designer
By permission
Crystal Tiala
Assistant scenic designers are assigned by permission only through the instructor.

THTR 1011: Scenery Run Crew
Seven students (Fall) /11 students (Spring)
Russell Swift
Scenery run crews arrive before and stay after the actors to check prep and lock up the stage and props. Scenery run crew members must be at all of the technical and dress rehearsals, performances and strike for the one department show that you are assigned. Assignments for each show will be made in the first week of the semester.

THTR 1015: Sound Board Operator
By permission
George Cooke
The sound board operator arrives before and stays after the actors to run the sound board for a production. Sound board operators must be at all of the technical and dress rehearsals, performances and strike for the one department show that they are assigned. Assignments for each show will be made in the first week of the semester.

This lab also includes assistant sound designers that are assigned by permission only through the instructor.

THTR 1039: Assistant Stage Managers
By permission
Elizabeth Bouchard 
Assistant stage managers assist the stage manager in all their duties and help run the show. ASM’s must be at many of the regular rehearsals and at all of the technical and dress rehearsals, performances and strike for the one department show that they are assigned. There are usually two ASM’s per show and assignments for each show will be made in the previous semester or earlier by permission by the instructor. 

THTR 1016: Special Topics
By permission
This is a blank section to be used only under special circumstances for special topics.

Advanced Projects Lab

Student Production Staff

Certain production positions require significant class preparations and a major commitment of time. Students who register for these labs receive two lab credits, but must obtain °¬¿ÉÖ±²¥permission up to a year in advance. Graded either A, B, C, D or F by their supervisor. This counts towards two of the theater lab credits.

THTR 1042: Costume Designer
By permission
Jacqueline Dalley
Costume designers are assigned at the end of the previous academic school year to design a workshop production through the Theater Department.

THTR 1044: Light Designer
By permission
Jeff Adelberg
Lighting designers are assigned at the end of the previous academic school year to design a workshop production through the Theater Department.

THTR 1041: Scenic Designer
By permission
Crystal Tiala
Scenic designers are assigned at the end of the previous academic school year to design a workshop production through the Theater Department.

THTR 1051: Technical Director
By permission
Russell Swift
Technical Directors are assigned at the end of the previous academic school year to design a workshop production through the Theater Department.

THTR 1045: Sound Designer
By permission
George Cooke
Sound designers are assigned at the end of the previous academic school year to design a workshop production through the Theater Department.

THTR 1049: Stage Manager
By permission
Stage Managers are assigned at the end of the previous academic school year to Stage Manage one of the six productions through the Theater Department. (See Elizabeth Bouchard for permission into this lab.)

THTR 1027: Special Topics
By permission
This section is reserved for special assignments requiring heavy work loads that are not defined by the other descriptions.