Saint Philip and Saint James were two of the twelve apostles, following Jesus faithfully throughout their lives. Very little is known about St. James, the son of Alphaeus and believed to be from Caesarea. He is often called James the Less, differentiating him from the other apostle named James, son of Zebedee, known as James the Greater.
Saint Philip, joined Jesus as an apostle along with Peter and Andrew, from Bethsaida in Galilee. He played a part in the multiplication of the loaves. Not anticipating Jesus’ miracle, Philip questioned how Jesus would ever be able to feed so many people. To Philip’s amazement, Jesus responded by feeding a crowd of more than 5000 hungry people from no more than a few loaves and fish.
Philip also expressed desires to explicitly see God the Father, displaying the kind of exasperation that sometimes comes with faith. These very human apostles relay the questions and wonderings of many Christians of present times. Philip and James are the patron saints of Uruguay and their feast day is celebrated on May 3rd.