Faculty Directory

Nadia N. Abuelezam

Associate Professor


Nadia N. Abuelezam, Sc.D., is an associate professor at the Connell School of Nursing and an epidemiologist. Dr. Abuelezam was trained in infectious disease epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. She has expertise in data analytic approaches in public health, mitigating health inequities for vulnerable populations, and mathematical modeling of infectious diseases. Her current research focuses on understanding health risks in minoritized populations, with a focus on Arab Americans. The goals of her program of research are to use quantitative methods and novel data streams to better understand inequities in health outcomes and healthcare access in vulnerable populations.

Selected Appointments & Awards

  • 2021 Emerging Scholar, Diverse Issues in Higher Education

Selected Publications

  • Lavallee M., Galea S., Abuelezam N. N. (2023). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Emergency Allotments and Food Security, Hospitalizations, and Hospital Capacity. JAMA Network Open, 6(8), e2326332. DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.26332
  • Abuelezam, N., Lipson, S. K., Abelson, S., Awad, G. H., Eisenberg, D., & Galea, S. (2022). Depression and Anxiety Symptoms among Arab/Middle Eastern American College Students: Modifying Roles of Religiosity and Discrimination. PLOS ONE, 17(11), e0276907.
  • Abuelezam, N., Cuevas, A., Galea, S., & Hawkins, S. S. (2022). Socially Assigned Race and the Health of Racialized Women and Their Infants. Health Equity, 6(1), 845–851.
  • White, B. P., Abuelezam, N., Fontenot, H. B., & Jurgens, C. Y. (2022). Exploring Relationships between State-Level LGBTQ Inclusivity and BRFSS Indicators of Mental Health and Risk Behaviors: A Secondary Analysis. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. Advance online publication.
  • Abuelezam, N. (2022). Collecting and Reporting Accurate Data on Race and Ethnicity Are Necessary to Achieve Health Equity. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 51(6), 562–565. DOI: 10.1016/j.jogn.2022.09.001
  • Awad G.H., Abuelezam N.N., Ajrouch K.J., & Stiffler M.J. (2022). Lack of Arab or Middle Eastern and North African Health Data Undermines Assessment of Health Disparities. American Journal of Public Health, 112, 209-212. DOI: 10.2105/AJPH.2021.306590
  • Abuelezam N.N., Cuevas A., Galea S., Hawkins S.S. (2022). Contested Racial Identity and the Health of Women and Their Infants. Preventive Medicine, 155, 106965. DOI: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2022.106965


Selected Grants

  • PCORI, Eugene Washington Engagement Award; Role: Principal Investigator; Advancing Arab American Health Network Alliance (AAHNA): Developing priorities together. This grant proposes a community-based participatory research approach to developing research priorities and guidelines to doing work with Arab American populations.
  • NIH/NIGMS, R35, R35GM142863-01; Role: Principal Investigator; Advancing methods in infectious disease models: Incorporating structural causes. This grant proposes novel mathematical modeling methods to examine structural determinants of health for infectious disease transmission in the United States. ($1,949,810.00).