Faculty Directory

A. Lin Goodwin

Thomas More Brennan Professor


TCS Teaching, Curriculum, and Society

Fellowships & Grants Awarded

  • 2020 – 2022: $1.6M (HKD)—Seed Funding for Strategic Interdisciplinary Research Scheme, University of Hong Kong. “Environmentally Responsive Pedagogies to develop “ECO (Environmentally COnscious) Advocates” for Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area.” (Principal Investigator with Co-Investigators Bridges, Chan, Chen, Chian, Fryer, Hew, Hoang, Kwok, Leung, Not, Russel, Williams, Wong, Yip)?
  • 2020 – 2022: $335,654 (SGD)— National Institute of Education, Office of Educational Research, Singapore: “Building an Evidence-Base for Teacher Education: A Longitudinal and Cross-sectional Study of the PGDE Programmes.” Co-Investigator; (PI: Low, E.L. with Co-I: Huan, S.L. V.)?
  • 2019 – 2024: $5,985,870—U.S. Office of Innovation and Improvement: Teacher Quality Partnership Grants: “Teaching Residents at Teachers College3” (Co-Investigator). 2019 – 2020: $149,859 (SGD)— National Institute of Education, Office of Educational Research, Singapore: “Building an Evidence-Base to Support Teacher Growth: A Career-Long Perspective (Phase I).” Co-Investigator; (PI: Low, E.L. with Co-Is: Ng, P.T., & Goh, S.E.)?
  • 2018 – 2019: $20,000—TC Provost’s Investment Fund: “Continuing a program of research into the education of teacher educators: Content specific and general knowledge and skills as teacher educators” (with K. Parkes, M. Hafeli, F. Mensah (Co-PIs), and D. Roosevelt, & M. Souto-Manning).?
  • 2016 – 2021: $650,000— NYS Dept of Education: “Teacher Opportunity Corps” (w Julia Yu)?
  • 2017 – 2019: $249,693 (SGD)—National Institute of Education, Office of Educational Research: “An exploratory study of beginning teacher mentoring practices in Singapore.” (Low, E. L.—PI; Co-Is—Goodwin, A. L., Ng, P. T., Liu, W.C., & Goh, S.E.)?
  • 2016 – 2017: $20,000—TC Provost’s Investment Fund: “Initiating a program of research into the education of teacher educators” (with D. Roosevelt (P.I.), M. Hafeli, F. Mensah, K. Parkes, C. Oyler, & M. Souto-Manning).?
  • 2014 – 2019: $7,471,811—U.S. Office of Innovation and Impro


  • Spencer Foundation Mentor Award, 2022.?
  • Honorary Professor of Education, The University of Hong Kong, 2022 - 2023?
  • Senior Research Fellow—Learning Policy Institute, 2020?
  • Nominated for President—American Educational Research Association, 2019.?
  • Robert J. Stevenson Memorial Lecture—Association of Teacher Educators, 2019. Distinguished Speaker—National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2019.?
  • Endowed Chair—Edward Evenden Professor of Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, 2014 – 2021; Emerita 2021?
  • Vice President—AERA, Division K: Teaching and Teacher Education, 2013 – 2016.?
  • Dr. Ruth Wong Professor of Teacher Education (inaugural)—National Institute of Education, Singapore, 2015.?
  • Distinguished Scholar Award—AERA, SIG—Research on the Education of Asians and Pacific Americans, 2015. Urban Education Editor’s Choice Collection 2012—http://uex.sagepub.com/cgi/collection: Goodwin, A. L. (1997). Multicultural stories: Preservice teachers’ conceptions of and responses to issues of diversity. Urban Education, 32(1), 117-145.
  • Outstanding Teacher Award—Teachers College, Columbia University, 2005.?
  • Scholars of Color Mid-Career Contribution Award—AERA, Committee on Scholars of Color in Education, April 2000.

Selected Recent Publications

  • Goodwin, A. L., McDevitt, S. E., Lee, C. C., & Ak?n, S. (in press). Educating a world on the move: Rethinking teacher preparation in the context of mass global migration and increasingly diverse classrooms. International Encyclopedia of Education, 4th Edition. R.?
  • Tierney, F. Rizvi, G. Smith & K. Ercikan (Editors-in-Chief), D. Mayer Section Ed. Goodwin, A. L., Hoang, A. P., Chian, M. M., & Au, M. (2022 online first). Professional knowledge for successfully teaching diverse students: A comparative analysis of perspectives from South Africa, Canada and Hong Kong. In Menter, I. (Ed.), Tatto, M. T. (Section Ed.) Handbook of International Teacher Education, Palgrave.?
  • Goodwin, A. L., & Stanton, R. (2022). Lessons from an expert teacher of immigrant youth: A portrait of social justice teaching. Equity and Excellence in Education. DOI: 10.1080/10665684.2021.2021652?
  • Goodwin, A. L., Lee, C. C., & Pratt. S. (2021). The Poetic Humanity of Teacher Education: Holistic Mentoring for Beginning Teachers. Professional Development in Education.