Faculty Directory

Gilda Morelli

Department Chair, Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology

Associate Professor


CDEP Counseling, Developmental & Educational Psychology


Murray, M. & Morelli, G. (in press) Social transformations during infancy: contributions through a crisis-oriented lens. In E. Lowe (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook for Psychological Anthropology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Wilkie, D. & Morelli, G. (2024). The Mistaken Mulozi: A P&T Detective Story 979-8218480233.

Ivey Henry, P., Morelli, G.A. (2022). Niche Construction in Hunter-Gatherer Infancy: Growth and Health Trade-Offs Inform Social Agency. In: S. L. Hart, D.F Bjorklund (Eds). Evolutionary Perspectives on Infancy. Evolutionary Psychology. Springer, Cham. 

Morelli, G. A. & Lui, L. (2021). Pluralities and commonalities in children’s relationships: Care of Efe forager infants as a case study. In R.A. Thompson, J.A. Simpson, L. J. Berlin (Eds), Attachment: The fundamental questions (237-244). NY: Guildford Press.

Morelli, G.A., Henry, P., & Spielvogel, B. (2019). Learning prosociality: Insights from young forager and farmer children’s food sharing with mothers and others. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, Special Issue “An Evolutionary Perspective on the Development of Sociality, 73-86.

Morelli, G. A., Quinn, N., Chaudhary, N., Vicedo, M., Rosabal-Coto, M., Keller, H., … Takada, A. (2018). Ethical challenges of parenting interventions in low to middle income countries. Journal Cross-Cultural Psychology, 49(1), 5-24.

Keller, H., Bard, K., Morelli, G., Chaudhary, N., Vicedo, M., Rosabal-Coto, M., & Gottlieb, A. (2018). The myth of universal sensitive responsiveness: Comment on Mesman et al. (2017). Child Development.

Morelli, G. A., Bard, K., Chaudhary, N., Gottlieb, A., Keller, H., Murray, M., …Vicedo, M. (2018). Bringing the real world into developmental science: A commentary on Weber, Fernald, & Diop (2017). Child Development.

Morelli, G. A., Chaudhary, N., Gottlieb, A., Keller, H., Murray, J., Quinn, N., Rosabal-Coto, M., Scheidecker, G., Takada, A., Vicedo, M. (2017). Taking culture seriously: Developing a pluralistic theory of attachments. In H. Keller, K. Bard (Eds.) Contextualizing attachment: The cultural nature of attachment (335-354). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Rosabal-Coto, M., Quinn, N., Keller, H., Vicedo, M., Chaudhary, N., Gottlieb, A., Scheidecker, G., Murray, J., Takada, A., Morelli, G. A (2017). Real-world applications of attachment theory. In H. Keller, K. Bard (Eds.) Contextualizing attachment: The cultural nature of attachment (225-354). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Recent Grant-funded Projects

2021- ROBERT WOOD FOUNDATION. Data Tracking Initiative. Funds to SRCD to support research on the effectiveness of Sociocultural Policy with Dawn Witherspoon, Miao Qian, Tiffany Yip, Alaina Brenick, Lauren Bader.

2021-2023 Doris Duke Charitable Foundation. Data Tracking Initiative. Funds to SRCD to support research on the effectiveness of Sociocultural Policy with Dawn Witherspoon, Miao Qian, Tiffany Yip, Alaina Brenick, Lauren Bader.

2019-2021 LEGO Foundation. Strengthening the evidence base for culturally relevant interventions in early childhood care and education. Conference Grant. G. Morelli, $100,000.

2019-2021 SPENCER FOUNDATION. Translating Early Childhood Care and Education Interventions Across Cultures. Conference Grant G. Morelli, $49, 655.52.