Art, Art History, and Film Faculty

Sheila Gallagher

Associate Professor, Studio Art

Studio Art Major Coordinator

Honors and Awards

  • 2015 聽 聽Culture Ireland
  • 2014 聽 聽State of the Art Survey of American Art, Crystal Bridges Museum
  • 2014 聽 聽Creative Capital, Semi-finalist
  • 2012 聽 聽School of the Museum of Fine Arts Traveling Fellowship
  • 2012 聽 聽United States Artist Grant Nominee
  • 2011 聽 聽Maud Morgan Prize Finalist, Museum of Fine Arts, 艾可直播
  • 2010 聽 聽Massachusetts Cultural Council Finalist Grant

Sheila Gallagher was awarded a Mass Cultural Council Artist Fellowship Program Grant, based on eye tracking drawings that she produced using the Eye Tracking Lab in the Computer Science department at BC.

Press Release:

MCC's Artist Fellowships recognize the unique contribution made by artists to the cultural vitality of the Commonwealth. The fellowships provide direct assistance to Massachusetts artists to recognize excellence and creative ability, and to support further development of their talents. MCC chronicles the impact of these awards in the Fellows Notes section of its ArtSake blog. Over the years, many artists of national and international prominence have won MCC fellowships.


  • Director of Senior Projects
  • Co-Director of The Becker Collection
  • Co-Director of The Guestbook Project