Math Department Faculty

Avner Ash



  • Fearless Symmetry 2nd ed. (with Robert Gross) Princeton University Press (2008)
  • Elliptic Tales (with Robert Gross) Princeton University Press (2012)
  • Summing It Up (with Robert Gross) Princeton University Press (2016)
  • Smooth Compactifications of Locally Symmetric Varietes 2nd ed. (with D. Mumford, M. Rapoport and Y. Tai and with the collaboration of P. Scholze) Cambridge University Press (2010)

Selected publications and preprints

  • Homological vanishing for the Steinberg representation, by听Avner听Ash, Andrew Putman and Steven V Sam, Compositio Mathematica 154 (2018) 1111-1130.
  • (joint with Darrin Doud) preprint
    • (joint with Paul Gunnells and Mark McConnell) preprint
    • (joint with David Pollack) Int. J. of Number Th. to appear June 2017
    • (joint with Darrin Doud) Int. J. Number Th. 12 (2016) 361-381
      • (joint with Darrin Doud) J. Alg. 465 (2016) 81-99
      • (joint with Paul Gunnells and Mark McConnell) J Number Theory 146 (2015) 4-22
      • (joint with Darrin Doud) Proc AMS 143 (2015) 3801-3813
      • (joint with Darrin Doud) IMRN 2014 (2014) 1379-1408
      • (joint with Paul Gunnells and Mark McConnell) J of Alg 349 (2012) 380-390
      • Comm in Alg 41 (2013) 1751-1775
        • Comm in Alg 40 (2012) 1369-1387
          • Acta Arithmetica 149 (2011) 305-319
            • (joint with Glenn Stevens)
            • (joint with Paul Gunnells and Mark McConnell) J. Alg. 325 (2011) 404-415
            • (joint with Paul Gunnells and Mark McConnell) Math. Comp. 79 (2010) 1811-1831
            • (joint with Paul Gunnells and Mark McConnell) Journal of Number Theory 128 (2008) 2263-2274
            • (joint with Laura Beltis, Robert Gross and Warren Sinnott) Experimental Math. J. 20 (2011) 400-411
            • (joint with Jos Brakenhoff and Theodore Zarrabi) Experimental Math. J. 16 (2007) 367-374
            • (joint with Brandon Bate and Robert Gross) Experimental Math. J. 18 (2009) 55-63
            • (joint with David Pollack and Glenn Stevens) Proc LMS (3) 96 (2008) 367-388
            • (joint with David Pollack) Int. Journal of Number Theory 4 (2008) 663-675
            • Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2008) 1235-1237
            • joint with Solomon Friedberg Canadian J. Math. 59 (2007) 673-695

              (joint with David Pollack and Warren Sinnott) Journal of Number Theory, 115 (2005) no. 1, 176-196

            • Linear Algebra Applications, 411 (2005) 348-355
            • (joint with David Pollack and Dayna Soares) Experimental Mathematics, 13 (2004) no. 3, 298-307
            • Smith theory and Hecke operators Journal of Algebra, 259 (2003) no. 1, 43-58
            • (joint with Paul Gunnells and Mark McConnell) Journal of Number Theory, 94 (2002) no. 1, 181-212
            • (joint with David Pollack and Darren Doud) Duke Mathematics Journal, 112 (2002) no. 3, 521-579
            • (joint with Warren Sinnott) Duke Mathematics Journal, 105 (2000) no. 1, 1-24
            • Generalized non-abelian reciprocity laws: a context for Wiles' proof (joint with Robert Gross) Bull. London Math. Soc., 32 (2000), no. 4, 385-397
            • Modular representations of GL(3,Fp), symmetric squares, and mod-p cohomology of GL(3,Z) (joint with Pham Huu Tiep) Journal of Algebra, 222 (1999) no. 2, 376-399
            • Monomial Galois representations and Hecke eigenclasses in the mod-p cohomology of GL(p-1,Z) Math. Ann. 315 (1999), no. 2, 263-28
            • (joint with Gerald Allison and Eric Conrad) Experimental Mathematics, 7 (1998), no. 4, 361-390
            • (joint with Mark McConnell) Duke Mathematics Journal 90 (1997) no. 3, 549-576
            • (joint with Glenn Stevens) Journees Arithmetiques, (Barcelona, 1995) Collect. Math. 48 (1997), no. 1-2, 1-30