Math Department Faculty

Dubi Kelmer

Associate Professor


  • D. Kelmer Approximation of points in the plane by generic lattice orbits. Preprint arXiv:/1606.08540.
  • A. Ghosh, D. Kelmer A Quantitative Oppenheim Theorem for generic ternary quadratic forms. Preprint arXiv:/1606.02388.
  • A. Ghosh, D. Kelmer Shrinking Targets for Semisimple Groups. Preprint arXiv:/1512.05848.
  • D. Kelmer and A. Kontorovich Effective equidistribution of shears and applications. Preprint arXiv:/1506.05534.
  • D. Kelmer On the mean square of the remainder for the Euclidean lattice point counting problem. Israel J. of Math. (to appear), Preprint arXiv:/1512.06012.
  • D. Kelmer Lattice points in a circle for generic unimodular shears. Int. J. Num. Theory (to appear) Preprint arXiv:/1508.00487.
  • D. Kelmer On distribution of poles of Eisenstein series and the length spectrum of hyperbolic manifolds. Int. Math. Res. Not. Vol. 2015 23 12319鈥12344 (2015)
  • D. Kelmer and A. Kontorovich On the Pair Correlation Density for Hyperbolic Angles. Duke Math. J. 164 473鈥509 (2015).
  • D. Kelmer A refinement of strong multiplicity one for spectra of hyperbolic manifolds. Tran. Amer. Soc. 366, 5925-5961 (2014).
  • D. Kelmer and L. Silberman, A uniform spectral gap for congruence covers of a hyperbolic manifold. Amer. J. Math. 135, 1067鈥1085 (2013).
  • D. Kelmer, Hybrid trace formula for a non-uniform irreducible lattice in PSL 2(R) n. J. Number Theory 133 (2013), 2277-2306.
  • D. Kelmer, Quadratic irrationals and linking numbers of modular knots. J. Mod. Dyn. 6 (2012), 539鈥561.
  • D. Kelmer and A. Mohammadi, Logarithm laws for one parameter unipotent flows. Geom. Funct. Anal. 22 (2012), 756-784.
  • D. Kelmer, Distribution of holonomy about closed geodesics in a product of hyperbolic planes. Amer. J. Math. 134, No. 6, (2012), 1613鈥1653.
  • D. Kelmer, Scarring for quantum maps with simple spectrum. Compos. Math. 147 (2011), 1608鈥1612. doi: 10.1112/S0010437X10005270
  • D. Kelmer, A uniform strong spectral gap for congruence covers of a compact quotient of PSL(2, R)d. Int. Math. Res. Not. (2011), 1135鈥1164. doi:10.1093/imrn/rnq107. 3
  • D. Kelmer, Distribution of twisted Kloosterman sums modulo prime powers. Int. J. Num. Theory 6 (2010), 271鈥280. MR2646758
  • D. Kelmer, Arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity for symplectic linear maps of the multidimensional torus. Ann. of Math. (2) 171 (2010), 815鈥879. MR2630057
  • L. Bary-Soroker and D. Kelmer, On PAC extensions and scaled trace forms. Israel J. Math. 175 (2010), 113鈥125. MR2607539
  • D. Kelmer and P. Sarnak, Strong spectral gaps for compact quotients of products of PSL(2, R). J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS) 11 (2009), 283鈥313. MR2486935
  • D. Kelmer, On matrix elements for the quantized cat map modulo prime powers. Ann. Henri Poincar 虂e 9 (2008), 1479鈥1501. MR2465732
  • D. Kelmer, Quantum ergodicity for products of hyperbolic planes. J. Mod. Dyn. 2 (2008), 287鈥313. MR2383269
  • D. Kelmer, Scarring on invariant manifolds for perturbed quantized hyperbolic toral automorphisms. Comm. Math. Phys. 276 (2007), 381鈥395. MR2346394
  • D. Kelmer, On the quantum variance of matrix elements for the cat map on the 4-dimensional torus. Int. Math. Res. Not. 2005 (2005), 2223鈥2236. MR2181455