Math Department Faculty

Mark Reeder



  • The Steinberg module and the cohomology of arithmetic groups, Journal of Algebra , vol 141, No. 2, (1991), pages 287-315.
  • Modular symbols and the Steinberg representation,  in  Springer Lecture Notes 1447, pages 287-302
  • Old forms on GL(n),  American Journal of Mathematics, vol 113,  No. 5, (1991), pages 911-930
  • On certain Iwahori invariants in the unramified principal series, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, vol. 153, No. 2  (1992), p. 313-342
  • p-adic Whittaker functions and vector bundles on flag manifolds,  Compositio Mathematica, vol 85, (1993), pages 9-36
  • Whittaker functions, prehomogeneous vector spaces and standard representations of p-adic groups, Crelles Journal, vol 450, (1994), p. 83-121
  • On the Iwahori-spherical discrete series for p-adic Chevalley groups; formal degrees and L-packets, Ann. Sci. de l'Ec. Norm. Sup., vol 27, (1994), p. 463-491
  • Desingularizations of some unstable orbit closures, Pacific Journal of Math.,  vol 167, (1995), pages 327-343
  • On the cohomology of compact Lie groups, L'Enseignement Math., t. 41, (1995), pages 181-200
  • (With and ) Processes of flats induced by higher dimensional processes III,  in Geometria Dedicata, vol 61, July(II) (1996), pages 257-269
  • Hecke algebras and harmonic analysis on p-adic groups, American Journal of Math., vol 119, no.1 Feb. (1997), pages 225-249
  • Exterior powers of the adjoint representation, Canadian Journal of Math., vol 49 (1), (1997), pages 133-159
  • Whittaker models and unipotent representations of p-adic groups, in Mathematische Annalen, vol 308, (1997), pages 587-592
  • Properties of discrete series unipotent L-packets, electronic proceedings of AMS conf. , Seattle, (1997)
  • Nonstandard intertwining operators and the structure of unramified principal series representations, Forum Math. vol 9, (1997) p. 457-516
  • Zero weight spaces and the Springer correspondence, Indag. Math. N.S., 9 (3), (1998) pages 431-441
  • (With ) Kloosterman sets in reductive groups , Jour. Number Theory, vol 73, (1998) pages 228-255
  • ,  Int. Math. Research Notices,  no. 20, (1998) pages 1079-1101
  • ,  with an appendix by .   Crelle's Journal, vol 520, (2000), pages 37-93ÌýÌýÌýÌý    ÌýÌýÌýÌý
  • ,
    Journal of Algebra 231,  (2000)    758-785 
  • ,      Compositio Math. 129 (2001), pages 149-181  
  • . Representation Theory 6 (2002), 101-126.
  • ,
         Int. Math. Research Notices,  2002:5 (2002)  pages 257-275
  • ,
         Journal of Algebra, 285 (2005) pages 29-57

  •      with Annals of Math., 169, No.3, (2009),  pages 795--901.
  • ,
         with , Bulletin of the AMS  43 (2006) pages 163-205
  • ,
         Journal of the AMS, 20 (2007), pages 573-602

  •       Crelle's Journal, 620,  (2008),  pages 1-33.

  • ÌýÌýÌýÌý  Representation Theory, 15, (2011), pages 63-111.
  • ,
    ÌýÌýÌýÌý with , Compositio Math. 146 (2010), pages 1029-1055

  • ÌýÌýÌýÌý  L'Enseignement Mathematique (2), 56, (2010), pages 3-47
  • ,
    ÌýÌýÌýÌý with B. Gross,   Duke Math. Journal, 154, (2010), pages 431-508
  • ,
          with B. Gross, P. Levy, and J.-K. Yu, Transformation Groups, 17, No. 4, (2012),   pages 1123-1190
  • ,
          with J.-K. Yu, Journal of the AMS, 27 (2014), pages 437-477
  • ,
          to appear in proceedings of Howe's 70th birthday conference
  • ,
          Int. Math. Research Notices,  2017  doi: 10.1093/imrn/rnw301