Faculty Directory

Andrew F. Miller

Assistant Professor


ELHE Educational Leadership & Higher Education

Select Publications


Cochran-Smith, M., Carney, M.C., Keefe, E.S., Burton, S., Chang, W.C., Fern谩ndez, B., Miller, A.F., S谩nchez, J.G., & Baker, M. (2018). Reclaiming accountability in teacher education.聽New York, NY: Teachers College Press.

Miller, A. F., & Keefe, E. S. (2022). Progressive neoliberal teacher education: Antithetical to social justice teacher education? In A. Sharma, M. Schmeichel, & B. Wurzburg (Eds.), Progressive neoliberalism in education: Critical perspectives on manifestations and resistance (pp. 63-77). Routledge.

Miller, A.F., Martinez, A. M., & Sweeney, M. T. (2020). Becoming people for and with others: Advancing social justice through interdisciplinary study and service in the Jesuit tradition. In P. J. Rine & S. Qui帽ones (Eds.), Community engagement in Christian higher education: Enacting institutional mission for the public good (pp. 108-139). Routledge.

Peer-Reviewed Articles and Chapters

Miller, A. F., Smith, A., Giunco, K., Friedman, A., Rosen-Reynoso, M., & Cownie, C. (in press). Tracking the legacy of inner-city Catholic schools: An analysis of U.S. elementary Catholic school organizational and demographic data. Journal of Catholic Education.

Miller, A. F., & Burke, K. J. (2023).Making Catholic schools research relevant: Assessing contemporary trends in the field of Catholic education. Educational Researcher, 52(1), 39-47. https://doi.org/10.3102/0013189X221136560.

Miller, A. F., Reyes, J., Wyttenbach, M., & Ezeugwu, G. (2022). The limits of the 鈥渟ystem of schools鈥 approach: Superintendent perspectives on change efforts in U.S. Catholic school systems. Journal of Educational Change. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10833-022-09475-1.

Miller, A. F., Noble, A. D., & McQuillan, P. J. (2022). Understanding leadership for adaptive change in Catholic schools: A complexity perspective. Journal of Catholic Education, 25(1), 54-83. https://doi.org/10.15365/joce.2501032022

Miller, A. F., Park, Y., Conway, P., Cownie, C. T., Reyes, J., Rosen-Reynoso, M., & Smith, A. (2022). Examining the legacy of urban Catholic schooling in the U.S.: A systematic literature review. The Urban Review, 54(3), 481-508. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11256-021-00619-w

Keefe, E. S., & Miller, A. F. (2021). Training, technique, and automaticity: Teacher preparation at the Charles Sposato Graduate School of Education. The New Educator, 17(1), 39-57. https://doi.org/10.1080/1547688X.2020.1838677.

Cochran-Smith, M., Carney, M.C., Keefe, E.S., Burton, S., Chang, W.C., Fern谩ndez, B., Miller, A. F., S谩nchez, J.G., & Baker, M. (2018). Reclaiming accountability in teacher education. Teachers College Press.

Select Grants and Fellowships

Principal Investigator (2023-2024). (Re)designing educational infrastructure to promote equity and wellbeing: A comparative study of public, charter, and Catholic educational systems. Research Incentive Grant, 艾可直播 College. Co-PIs: 艾可直播 Hegseth, Michael O鈥機onnor. ($14,890)

Principal Investigator (2022-2023). Formation in times of crisis: A comparative study of public, charter, and Catholic educational systems. Research into Formative Education, 艾可直播 College. Co-PIs: 艾可直播 Hegseth, Michael O鈥機onnor. ($14,225)

Co-Principal Investigator (2022-2025). How Catholic School Networks Foster Innovative and Transformative Pedagogies of Character Formation. Character through Community: Strengthening Character Development through Communities of Practice, John Templeton Foundation. PI: Martin Scanlan. Key Collaborators: Melodie Wyttenbach, Elena Sada. ($700,000)

Principal Investigator (2021-2022). Organizational and leadership responses to COVID-19 in Catholic schools. Warmenhoven Fellows Research Grant, 艾可直播 College. Co-PIs: Charlie Cownie, Myra Rosen-Reynoso, Michael O鈥機onnor. ($38,342)

Principal Investigator (2020-2021). Assessing and evaluating shifts in Catholic school governance. Warmenhoven Fellows Research Grant, 艾可直播 College. Co-PIs: Melodie Wyttenbach, John Reyes. ($45,000).

Select Presentations

Miller, A.F., & O鈥機onnor, M.T. (April 8, 2019). Moving beyond enrollment: A framework for encouraging critical perspectives and embracing diversity in Catholic education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, ON.

Miller, A.F., & Keefe, E.S. (April 16, 2018). Creating jaw-droppingly effective rookie teachers: Teacher preparation at Sposato Graduate School of Education (Match Education). In M.Cochran-Smith (chair) and A.M. Villegas (discussant), Teacher preparation at new graduate schools of education: Studying a controversial innovation. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, NY.

Baker, M., & Miller, A.F. (April 28, 2017). Reclaiming accountability: Promising practices and directions forward. In M. Cochran-Smith (chair) and A.L. Goodwin (discussant), Getting accountability right in teacher education. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Antonio, TX.

Cochran-Smith, M., Carney, M.C., Miller, A.F., & Sanchez, J.G. (April 6, 2017). Teacher preparation at new graduate schools of education: Studying a controversial innovation. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, NH.

Cochran-Smith, M., Miller, A.F., & Carney, M.C. (November 29, 2016). Relocating teacher preparation: New graduate schools of education and their implications. Keynote address at the 艾可直播 College Lynch School of Education Endowed Chairs Colloquium, Chestnut Hill, MA.

Miller, A.F., & Keefe, E.S. (April 11, 2016). Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation鈥檚 new efforts to professionalize teacher education through accreditation and accountability. In M. Cochran-Smith (chair) and K. Kumashiro (discussant), Fixing teacher preparation: Analysis and critique of major reform initiatives. Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.

Cochran-Smith, M., Stern, R., Sanchez, J.G., Miller, A.F., Keefe, E.S., Fernandez, M.B., Chang, W.C., Carney, M.C., Burton, S., & Baker, M. (April 10, 2016). Teacher education accountability initiatives: What鈥檚 the evidence? In M. Cochran-Smith (chair), Public scholarship and teacher education for diverse democracies. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Washington, D.C.

Miller, A.F., & Keefe, E.S. (May 1, 2015). CAEP: Professionalizing teacher education through accreditation and accountability. In M. Cochran-Smith (chair), Education reform and teacher education: Critiquing four initiatives. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Miller, A.F. (April 18, 2015). The social field of 鈥淣o Excuses鈥 charter schools and management organizations: A critical inquiry into the beliefs and practices of an emerging orthodoxy for urban education. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, Illinois.

Miller, A.F., & O鈥機onnor, M.T. (May 2, 2014). Critical foundations, intersecting agendas: Rethinking the discourse of Catholic schools and school choice. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization, Mount Snow, Vermont.

Miller, A.F. (May 1, 2014). The democratic possibilities and limitations of 鈥淣o Excuses鈥 charter schools. In M. Cochran-Smith (chair), Can democracy and equity survive education reform? Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization, Mount Snow, Vermont.

Ryan, A., Paugh, P.C., Enterline, S., Doyle, K., Miller, A.F., Wendell, K., Gilbert, M., Vandenberg, L.E., Gonsalves, L.M., & Power, C. (April 7, 2014). A tale of two universities: The edTPA in Massachusetts. In A. Ryan (chair) and M. Cochran-Smith (discussant), Context matters: Unpacking the national teacher assessments and the edTPA in four states. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Ryan, A., Enterline, S., Doyle, K., Miller, A.F. (April 5, 2014). The consequences of compliance: Exploring the edTPA and outcomes for teacher candidates. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Ryan, A., Power, C., & Miller, A.F. (May 1, 2013). Unintended consequences: A case study of professional development experiences in a small-school setting. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.

Enterline, S., Ryan, A., Doyle, K., & Miller, A.F. (April 30, 2013). Implementing the Teacher Performance Assessment: Challenges, lessons, and next steps. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, California.

Enterline, S., Ryan, A., Doyle, K., & Miller, A.F. (April 19, 2013). Implementing the Teacher Performance Assessment: Challenges, lessons, and next steps. In M. Cochran-Smith, E. Losee, & M. Regan (Chairs), Implementing the Teacher Performance Assessment in Massachusetts. Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the New England Educational Research Organization, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.