Faculty Directory

Richard Jackson

Associate Professor


TCS Teaching, Curriculum, and Society


Richard Jackson is internationally recognized as a pioneer in the nascent field of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). He first brought the UDL framework to ֱ College in 1999 through a partnership with CAST and the Harvard Children’s Initiative to form the National Center for Accessing the General Curriculum. This federally funded Center’s role was to provide the nation with guidance on how best to include students with disabilities in a standards-based, public education. Today the design principles derived from the UDL framework are required by law and embedded in teacher education programs at ֱ College and throughout the US. In 2009 Jackson observed a gap in the kind of leadership necessary for implementing inclusive education. Again, through a partnership with CAST, Jackson won a five year leadership grant from the US Department of Education to train eight postdoctoral “UDL Fellows” whose efforts continue to advance this new field in improving results for students with disabilities. With the international call for inclusive education, UDL has emerged as a plausible and palpable implementation framework. In 2020, with colleague Sean Bracken from the University of Worcester in the UK, Jackson co-founded INCLUDE (the National Collaboratory for Leadership in Universally Designed Education). Jackson’s vision for INCLUDE is a “center without walls” that functions virtually as a community of practice among stakeholders committed to advancing inclusion world-wide

UDL’s twenty year presence at ֱ College under Jackson’s leadership has been instrumental in the design of accessible blended learning courses and in the development of inclusive instructional practices campus wide. It serves as a striking example of what the university means by men and women in service to others where others includes individuals with disabilities.

  • Prelude to INCLUDE (International Collaboratory for Leadership in Universally Designed Education). Presentation at the Third Pan-Canadian Conference on Universal Design for Learning. Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia.
  • Invited keynote lecture for a national seminar held at the University of Worcester, UK, entitled Promoting Universal Accessibility in Higher Education: The Role of Information Technologies.
  • Presentation in Dublin, Ireland entitled: Journey to Oz: Travelling together towards inclusive education, sponsored by AHEAD.

Select Publications

  • Jackson, R. M., & Lapinski, S. D. (2019). Restructuring the blended learning environment on campus for equity and opportunity through UDL. In S. Bracken & K. Novak (Eds.), Transforming Higher Education Through Universal Design for Learning (pp. 297–311). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Rose, D. H., Robinson, K.H., Hall, T. E., Coyne, P., Jackson, R. M., Stahl, W. M. & Wilcauskas, S. L. (2018). Accurate and informative for all: Universal design for learning (UDL) and the future of assessment. In Elliott, S.N., Kettler, R.J., Beddow, P.A., & Kurz, A. (Eds.) Handbook of Accessible Instruction and Testing Practices. New York: Springer.
  • Jackson, R. M. & Karger, J. (2015). Audio-Supported Reading and Students with Learning Disabilities. Wakefield, MA: MA: National Center on Accessible Educational Materials at the Center for Applied Special Technology.
  • Jackson, R. M. & Hendricks, V. (2014). Foundations in Audio-Supported Reading for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired with an Annotated Bibliography. Wakefield, MA: MA: National Center on Accessible Educational Materials at the Center for Applied Special Technology.
  • Jackson, R. M. (2014). Getting Started with Audio-Supported Reading: A Resource for Parents, Educators and Students. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials at the Center for Applied Special Technology.
  • Jackson, R. M. (2012). Audio-Supported Reading for Students who Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessible Instructional Materials at the Center for Applied Special Technology.
  • Jackson, R. M. (2007). The Need for Progress Monitoring to Support the Participation of Students with Visual Disabilities in Standards-Based Reform. Washington, D.C.: National Center on Student Progress Monitoring, American Institutes of Research.
  • Hall, T., Jackson, R., Hitchcock, C., Gordon, D., & Rose, D. (2006). Issue Brief: Modifying Curriculum for Students with Disabilities and the Alternative Promise of Universal Design for Learning. Wakefield, MA: Center for Applied Special Technology.
  • Jackson, R. M. (2005). Curriculum Access for Students with Low Incidence Disabilities: The Promise of Universal Design for Learning. Wakefield, MA: Center for Applied Special Technology


  • Launched ABLED@BC (Awareness Benefitting Leaders and Employees about Disabilities), a university-wide affinity group sponsored by ֱ College’s Office of Institutional Diversity. September 2019.
  • Co-Founder with Sean Bracken. INCLUDE (International Collaboratory for Leadership in Universally Designed Education. Launched September 2019.
  • Member of the Stakeholders Advisory Committee for the National Center on Educational Outcomes, University of Minnesota, 2016-present.
  • Member of the Education Advisory Committee, Perkins School for the Blind, Watertown, MA, March 1, 2017-present.
  • Jackson, R. M. with Lapinski, S., Bourque, M., Chebator, P., DeLeeuw, P.,& Hughes, C. (2013). Building an Inclusive Environment for All: Disability Services at ֱ College. Chestnut Hill, MA: ֱ College.


  • Jackson, R.M. Universal Design for Learning Guidelines for Teaching Students with Developmental Disabilities. Invited presentation for the Massachusetts Down Syndrome Congress annual conference, held at the College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA. November 7, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. Audio-Supported Reading: Presentation at the Third Pan-Canadian Conference on Universal Design for Learning. Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia. October 3, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. & Bracken, S. Prelude to INCLUDE (International Collaboratory for Leadership in Universally Designed Education). Presentation at the Third Pan-Canadian Conference on Universal Design for Learning. Royal Roads University, Victoria, British Columbia. October 3, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. Building Expert Learners in Catholic Schools: A Personal Narrative & Framework. Invited keynote for Catholic school principals at the annual Emmaus Series Spring Retreat, sponsored by the Roache Center, May 2, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. & Zabala, J. How Can They Read It? Let Us Count the Ways? Invited presentation at Charting the Cs Pre-conference, Alexandria, Minnesota, April 7, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. Technology and Innovation Changing Courses: A Personal and Academic Journey. Invited keynote lecture for a national seminar held at the University of Worcester, UK, entitled Promoting Universal Accessibility in Higher Education: The Role of Information Technologies. March 26, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. Audio-Supported Reading (ASR): A Technology-Based Approach for Enhancing Student Access to Text. Presentation at the conference entitled: Journey to Oz: Travelling together towards inclusive education, sponsored by AHEAD, Dublin, Ireland. March 20, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. Restructuring the blended learning environment on campus for equity and opportunity through UDL. Chapter presentation for book launch, S. Braken & K. Novak (Eds.), Transforming Higher Education Through Universal Design for Learning. AHEAD Conference, Dublin, Ireland. March 21, 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. Learner Variability and Access to Learning: A UDL Imperative. Invited keynote for Catholic school principals at the annual Emmaus Series Spring Retreat, sponsored by the Roache Center, May 3, 2018.
  • Jackson, R.M. (Strand Leader and Co-Presenter) Universal Design for Learning for Teacher Preparation. Moderated three panels of experts to discuss: Contrasting Approaches for Incorporating UDL in University-Based Teacher Preparation Programs; Universal Design for Learning Online; Professional Development for School and District Improvement Through the UDL Lens. 2017 Council for Exceptional Children Convention, held in ֱ, MA, April 19-22, 2017.


  • From Collaborative Fellows Program, Sponsored training activity to support partnership with Edison K-8 ֱ Public School, co-taught educ7438 on site with Jarod Johnson, Edison 3rd grade teacher. September 2018-May 2019.
  • Jackson, R.M. (Project Director). The Preparation of Postdoctoral Fellows for Leadership in Universal Design for Learning (H 325D090016). Grant sponsored by the Office of Special Education Programs, Division of Personnel Preparation, U.S. Department of Education. From September 1, 2009 to August 28, 2015 ($787,975).