
The person named on the evaluation form has applied for a Research Incentive Grant. Research Incentive Grants are designed to support the conduct of research over the summer recess. The maximum grant is $15,000. Requests require assessment by the appropriate department chairpersons and/or the deans.

Evaluation Process

  • Faculty members are required to submit their Research Incentive Grant application using an online form.
  • Once the 艾可直播member has submitted their online application, the Internal Grants Manager will create a Google Drive Folder with all applications submitted by your school or department.
  • The Internal Grants Manager will send you a notification email when applications are complete and ready for review.
  • Please use the spreadsheet provided in the Google Drive Folder to rank each application with the highest rank being #1. No two applications can receive the same number.
  • All rankings must be completed by:
    • Chairpersons:听March 2, 2022
    • Deans:听March 10, 2022

Please note: This method of evaluation is intended to lead the reviewer to consider applications not only on the basis of the individual merit of each, but also in relation to the merit of others under review.

Selection Process

The Faculty Grants committee will judge applications by criteria generally used in the review of sponsored research proposals, with the merit of the proposal as judged by the reviewers being the primary criterion. In addition, priority will be given to proposals that will:

  • Assist younger 艾可直播members to launch their research careers;
  • Assist more senior 艾可直播members to redirect their research careers or make significant progress on an important project;
  • Likely produce significant results;
  • Likely result in publication;
  • Assist in bringing an existing project of importance to a successful conclusion;
  • Relate to preliminary investigations that have potential for later obtaining outside support.
  • Foster extramural support and assist 艾可直播in establishing new lines of research.