Lynch School faculty, students, and alumni presented at the American Educational Research Association conference held in Toronto in April. They included:
- Knowledge Brokers and Boundary Spanners: Strengthening Ties Between Research, Policy, and Practice in Education—Vincent Cho, associate professor
- Classroom Assessment and Educational Measurement—Michael Russell, professor
- Critical Citizenship Education: Affirming Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice—Gabrielle Oliveira, assistant professor
- Seeing Patterns in the Kaleidoscope: Understanding Learning to Teach for Equity—Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Cawthorne Professor, and Larry H. Ludlow, professor
- Hispanic-Serving Institutions: Enhancing Experiences and Services—Andrés Castro Samayoa, assistant professor
- Children Negotiating Everyday Borders: How the Anthropology of Education Contributes to Research on (Im)Migrant Children in Schools—Gabrielle Oliveira, assistant professor
- Migrants, Refugees, and Global Challenges in Higher Education—Lisa Unangst, Ph.D. student
- Teaching and Learning Engineering in K-12 Contexts—Amy R. Semerjian, Ph.D. ’19
- Resisting the Academy: Transformative Approaches to Humanizing Research and Scholarship—Renata Love Jones, Ph.D candidate
- Striving for Equity in Classroom Teaching and Learning—Heather Francis, Ph.D. student
- Student Engagement and Success in Higher Education—Katrina Borowiec, M.A. ’10, Ph.D. student