Senior Thesis

Students are encouraged to conduct research with professors in the program and to have conversations with prospective 艾可直播advisors about their research ideas. A senior thesis is normally a two-semester project, often involving work during the summer after your junior year (or before). To do a thesis, students register for Senior Thesis (ENVS 4951 and ENVS 4952) during the senior year, and work with their 艾可直播thesis advisor to submit a course contract and research proposal (1-3 pages) by the end of the spring semester of their junior year. Students with a GPA of 3.4 in major and 3.3 overall, at the beginning of their senior year, qualify for the Senior Honors Thesis (ENVS 4961 and 4962). In the spring of senior year the completed honors thesis, signed by the 艾可直播research advisor, is due to the Environmental Studies 艾可直播committee by April 20. Theses that demonstrate a high level of scholarship and mastery of the subject matter will be awarded the honors distinction.

Students can also write a senior thesis under the Scholar of the College program.

The timeline for completing a senior thesis varies among students and depends on the nature of the research, the opportunities to conduct research, and the expectations of the thesis advisor. Ideally the process begins in the student's junior year. Here is a general timeline for guidance