
Four Year College Program (Basic Course)

The NROTC Unit °¬¿ÉÖ±²¥ Consortium’s College Program exists for °¬¿ÉÖ±²¥ College students who wish to serve their country as commissioned officers. These students agree to complete certain Naval Science courses and one summer training period. During the first two years in the Program (basic course), students have the status of civilians who have entered into a contract with the Navy. During this period they may compete for two or three year side-load scholarships. When selected for Advanced Standing they enlist in the Naval or Marine Corps Reserve prior to commencing the advanced course. In return the Navy provides Naval Science textbooks, and a subsistence allowance for a maximum of 20 months. The NROTC College Program student, upon graduation and completion of Naval Science requirements, is commissioned as an Ensign in the Navy or as a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps.

No tuition benefit is paid as part of this program; however, successful completion of the program provides the immediate benefit of a commission in the Navy or Marine Corps and eligibility for the GI Bill to pay for graduate school following their service.

Qualifications of a Naval Officer

It is by no means enough that an officer of the Navy should be a capable mariner. He must be that, of course, but also a great deal more. He should be, as well, a gentleman of liberal education, refined manners, punctilious courtesy, and the nicest sense of personal honor.
John Paul Jones

This statement of command philosophy is my guidance to the staff, MECEP and midshipmen of the °¬¿ÉÖ±²¥ Consortium. My command philosophy is captured succinctly by John Paul Jones’ admonition from over two hundred years ago.

M. K. Savageaux 
Captain, U.S. Navy


Naval Careers

°¬¿ÉÖ±²¥ College U.S. Navy and Marine Officers are some of the most well-respected men and women who serve our country. Superior benefits and excellent credentials are just a few enticements for becoming an officer. If you’re a high school student thinking about attending °¬¿ÉÖ±²¥ College or a current college freshman or sophomore with leadership skills and determination, you may be eligible to join the NROTC program and be commissioned into the Navy or Marines following graduation.

The Navy and Marine Corps offers careers that match the talents and interests of just about everyone. And as long as you’re in the Navy or Marines, you’ll get top-notch training, exceptional benefits, and the experience of a lifetime.
