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Regulatory Radar


New York State bans discrimination based on reproductive health

REGULATORY RADAR - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has signed new legislation that bans discrimination based on the reproductive health decisions of employees or employee dependents.

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German Bundestag adopts climate protection legislation

REGULATORY RADAR - Germany’s lower house of Parliament has approved a new climate protections package that intends to help Germany reach its 2030 targets for reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

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California Consumer Privacy Act taking effect January 1

REGULATORY RADAR - The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) takes effect on January 1, 2020 and offers California consumers new rights regarding the disclosure of personal data that businesses have collected.

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Updates to financial industry principles for assessing environmental and social risk

REGULATORY RADAR - The Equator Principles Association has released a new version of the Equator Principles, which serve as a common set of standards for financial institutions to assess and manage environmental and social risks in financing projects, such as project-related loans and project finance advisory services.

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California bans insurers from dropping fire coverage

REGULATORY RADAR - The California Insurance Commission issued a one-year ban on insurers cancelling policies for homes and businesses in wildfire areas, a move that will impact at least 800,000 homes.

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New Jersey Assembly passes electric vehicle bill

REGULATORY RADAR - On January 6, 2020, the New Jersey Assembly’s Environment and Solid Waste and Appropriations Committees voted to pass legislation that establishes goals, initiatives, and programs to encourage and support use of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs).

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In U.S., 24 states raise the minimum wage in 2020

REGULATORY RADAR - Across the United States, the minimum wage increased for 24 states and 48 cities at the start of 2020.

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Hong Kong releases new ESG reporting requirements for publicly listed companies

REGULATORY RADAR - The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has published conclusions to its ESG Reporting Guide consultation, based on a questionnaire seeking public views on strengthening ESG rules and publishing guidance materials on ESG and gender diversity.

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EPA aims to reduce truck pollution

REGULATORY RADAR - On January 6, 2020, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed an Advance Notice of Proposed Rule with the intention of enacting a rulemaking effort known as the Cleaner Trucks Initiative.

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Shipping industry cutting sulfur emissions

REGULATORY RADAR - On January 1, 2020, a global regulation set by the International Maritime Organization (a United Nations agency responsible for ensuring safe and efficient shipping on clean oceans) came into effect, and will substantially reduce harmful sulfur oxide emissions from ships.

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Denmark Climate Act commits to reduce emissions 70% by 2030

REGULATORY RADAR - Denmark has adopted its first ever climate bill. In December 2019, the Danish Parliament approved a target of reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 70% by 2030, in comparison with 1990 levels.

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CFPB issues clarification on abusive financial practices

REGULATORY RADAR - The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has issued policy guidance clarifying its intended application of the “abusiveness” standard under the Dodd-Frank Act, which was intended to protect consumers from abusive practices related to financial services and products.

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