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Research Briefs

Chief sustainability officers

Chief sustainability officers may help companies operate more responsibly

RESEARCH BRIEF - The presence of a chief sustainability officer (CSO) increases a firm's socially responsible activities and decreases its socially irresponsible activities.

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Longer-tenured women advance to executive roles more quickly when firm diversity is low

RESEARCH BRIEF - Women in top leadership positions secure their roles more quickly than their male counterparts the longer they stay at a firm when executive leadership at the firm lacks women.

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The relationship between corporate citizenship and financial performance over time: If you’re not first, you’re last

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies are more likely to achieve both greater firm profitability and increased stock market valuation if they are CSR leaders.

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In times of economic instability, strong corporate citizenship helps mitigate risk and positively impacts stock performance

RESEARCH BRIEF - Stronger corporate social performance helps reduce risk and is linked to more positive stock performance during times of crisis.

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Corporate citizenship adds value among firms with entrenched management in liberal market economies

RESEARCH BRIEF - For firms based in liberal market economies such as United States and Hong Kong, the combination of strong polices promoting managerial control and corporate citizenship initiatives (such as policy changes and implementation practices) creates shareholder value.

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In economic recession, companies maintain corporate citizenship investments

RESEARCH BRIEF - Evidence suggests that firms maintain their overall corporate citizenship investments during financial crises, however the mix of investments may shift.

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Does gender diversity influence firm performance? Depends on your context

RESEARCH BRIEF - Societal norms around gender diversity in a company’s industry, country, and regulatory environment shape how gender diversity affects firm performance.

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The details in environmental product labeling that may increase likelihood of purchase

RESEARCH BRIEF - Customers are more likely to purchase sustainably marketed products when labeling includes traceability information.

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Corporate citizenship communications increase during economic decline

RESEARCH BRIEF - During periods of economic downturn, companies tend to increase their corporate social responsibility (CSR) communications, integrate these messages into existing marketing communications, and emphasize how consumers as individuals benefit from corporate citizenship efforts.

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Environmentally friendly purchases linked to regional differences in consumer values

RESEARCH BRIEF - The degree to which consumers value the environment, social status, and value-for-money impact how likely they are to purchase environmentally friendly products.

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Which stakeholders influence the adoption of environmental strategies?

RESEARCH BRIEF - Company size influences the impact of stakeholder pressure in the development of corporate environmental strategies.

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Ad strategies that increase purchase intent for purpose-driven products

RESEARCH BRIEF - In advertisements for socially and environmentally conscious products, strategic messaging and presentation—such as message framing and the ad’s color—can enhance consumers’ intent to purchase.

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