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CSR Research: Engaging Employees

Corporate wellness programs

Corporate wellness programs benefit all involved—including the company

RESEARCH BRIEF - Corporate wellness programs are widely used and can benefit employees across the health spectrum. Employee participation in these programs can improve productivity and ultimately the bottom line.

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Emphasize career-development potential to engage younger employees in mentoring

RESEARCH BRIEF - Those looking to increase participation in mentoring opportunities should tailor their programs and messaging to their audiences: Younger mentors are often motivated more by career-related objectives—such as recognition, promotion, and monetary rewards.

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Firms are pulling back the lens to explore the whole picture

RESEARCH BRIEF - According to a retrospective review of a decade of data, companies have tended to focus corporate citizenship efforts on primary stakeholders such as their customers and employees. Recently, they have begun to broaden their focus to include other stakeholders—particularly the environment—as they maintain primary stakeholder engagement.

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You CAN teach an old dog new tricks... if you use this proven approach.

RESEARCH BRIEF - Older professionals are more likely to be motivated by genuine interest—rather than career advancement—when deciding whether to participate in professional development opportunities. Those looking to engage older employees in professional development should stress what can be achieved with new skills—rather than how they would bolster a resume.

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Want to develop employees who are engaged and retain them longer? Communicate corporate citizenship efforts

RESEARCH BRIEF - When employees are aware of their company’s corporate citizenship efforts, they experience higher levels of pride and engagement in the organization. Among non-managerial employees, this leads to higher retention.

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Reduce turnover among new parents by offering a supportive and flexible environment

RESEARCH BRIEF - To retain new mothers, organizations should offer flexible options and support, as they report higher intentions to stay with a company when they perceive a healthy work-life balance and strong managerial support.

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Awareness of bias: Women are still having to hit a higher bar of qualification to be considered for senior positions

RESEARCH BRIEF - Moderately qualified men are given the benefit of the doubt compared to women candidates of comparable qualification.

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Reduce workplace turnover

Reduce workplace turnover through childcare initiatives

RESEARCH BRIEF - The establishment of workplace childcare initiatives (e.g. on-site childcare, childcare subsidies, etc.) improves employee retention rates among women.

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Inclusion and diversity programs increase engagement among underrepresented employees

RESEARCH BRIEF - Implementing human resources (HR) programs and policies in the workplace that emphasize a company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion can increase underrepresented employees’ engagement.

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Good corporate citizenship may improve intellectual property and data protection

RESEARCH BRIEF - Corporate citizenship efforts lower the likelihood that former employees may share trade secrets and other sensitive data with competitors. Evidence further suggests that firms increase corporate citizenship activities to proactively mitigate the risk of data leaks.

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Interdepartmental collaboration improves perceptions of performance of older workers

RESEARCH BRIEF - Organizations should encourage formal and informal collaboration across departments to combat age discrimination and maximize workforce potential.

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Flexible, remote working helps all employees, especially mothers

RESEARCH BRIEF - Companies looking to create inclusive, family-friendly policies should consider offering all employees opportunities to work remotely.

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