Faculty Directory

Chris R. Glass

Program Director, Higher Education, Ed.D.

Professor of the Practice


ELHE Educational Leadership & Higher Education

Select Publications


  • Glass, C. R. & Bista, K. (2022). Reimagining mobility in higher education: For the future generations of international students. New York, NY: Springer.
  • Woodman, T., Whatley, M., & Glass, C. R. Digital Internationalization in Higher Education: Beyond Virtual Exchange. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003444237


  • Cruz, N. I., Hou, M. & Ichikawa, A., & Glass, C. R. (2023). International schools as transnational spaces for global learning and identity development, Journal of Research in International Education.
  • Glass, C. R., & Cruz, N. I. (2023). Failure is not an option: Entrepreneurship and the existential crisis of internationalization in the U.S., Higher Education Quarterly. [CiteScore: 4.3; Impact Factor: 2.2; h5-index: 18; h5-median: 28;] doi:10.1111/hequ.12396
  •  Glass, C. R., & Cruz, N. I., (2023). Metatrends in mobility: Education hubs and the new multipolar structure of international student mobility. International Higher Education.
  •  Whatley, M., Woodman, T. C., & Glass, C. R.* (2022). Virtual international exchange: Access, outcomes, and programmatic concerns. Journal of International Students, 12(S3), i-viii. https://doi.org/10.32674/jis.v12iS3.5209=
  • Glass, C. R., Heng, T., & Hou, M. (2022). Intersections of identity and status in international students' perceptions of culturally engaging campus environments. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 89, 19-29.
  • Glass, C. R., & Cruz, N. I. (2022). Moving towards multipolarity: shifts in the core-periphery structure of international student mobility and world rankings (2000–2019). Higher Education. doi.org/10.1007/s10734-022-00841-9
  • Glass, C. R., & Cruz, N. I. (2022). Failure is not an option: Entrepreneurship and the existential crisis of internationalization in the U.S., Higher Education Quarterly.
  • Glass, C. R., Gesing, P. (2021). . Routledge Studies in Global Student Mobility. London, UK: Routledge.
  • Glass, C. R., Lin, X., & Bista, K. (2021). London, UK: Routledge
  • Glass, C. R., Godwin, K.A., & Matross-Helms, R. (2021). . Washington, DC: American Council on Education.
  • Glass, C. R., Streitweiser, B. & Gopal, A. (2021). , Compare, 55(1), 43-60.
  • Hou, M., Cruz, N., Glass, C. R., & Lee S.(2021). , International Studies in Sociology of Education, 30(3), 306-324
  • Niroo, W. T., & Glass C. R. (2021). . Higher Education Research & Development, 41(4).
  • Glass, C. R. (2021). Global competence: Hidden frames of national security and economic competitiveness. In Lee, J. J. (Ed.). . New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
  • Glass, C. R., & Holton M. (2020). College student development. In A. C. Ogden, B. Streitweiser, and C. Van Mol (Eds.). (pp. 106-118). London, UK: Routledge.
  • Glass, C. R. (2020). Comprehensive internationalization of higher education institutions. In M. David, & M. Amey (Eds.), (5th edition, Vol. 1, pp. 288-289). SAGE Publications.

Select Invited Presentations

  • Chris. R. Glass. Consistently Engaged­: An Exploration of the Intersection of Justice, Equity, Inclusion and Internationalization. American Council on Education and Association of International Education Administrators, May 12, 2021.
  • Wolayat Tabasum & Chris R. Glass. Imagining ‘Harry Potter’: Myths and Realities of Quality Assurance and Accreditation in Afghanistan. American Educational Research Association (AERA), April 22-25, 2022.
  • Chris R. Glass & Natalie I. Cruz. Social Network Analysis of International School Leaver Mobility: Opportunity and Stratification for New Generations of Students. Association for the Study of Higher Education. Portland, OR, November 14-16, 2019.
  • Chris R. Glass, Bernhard Streitwieser, & Anita Gopal. The Currency of Involvement: Equity and the Educational Experiences of High- and Low-Resourced International Students. Paper session at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). Houston, TX, November 8-10, 2017.
  • Peggy Gesing & Chris R. Glass. A New Era for High-Skilled Mobility? Race and International STEM Graduate Students’ Intentions to Stay or Leave U.S. Post-Graduation. Paper session at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). Houston, TX, November 8-10, 2017.

Select Honors & Awards

  • Best Practices in International Education Award, 2020, NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education

  • Innovative Research in International Education Award, 2016, NAFSA: Association of International Educators

  • Provost’s Award for Leadership in International Education, 2016, Old Dominion University