Albert J. Fitzgibbons Lecture Series

Funded by a generous donation from the Albert J. Fitzgibbons family, this series generally includes two invited lectures each semester, and generally by scholars working in a field close to ethics, ethical formation, and contemporary culture. Each lecturer delivers a public lecture on a theme of general interest and at a level that is broadly accessible to the university audience, as well as an advanced research seminar on a select theme. The Fitzgibbons organized by聽 Professor Jeffrey Bloechl, in consultation with small 艾可直播groups concentrating in select areas pertinent to the mission of the series.

Previous Fitzgibbons Lectures have been given by, among many other: Fred Dallmayr (University of Notre Dame), Jurgen Habermas (Goethe-Universitaet Frankfurt), Serena Parekh (Northeastern University), Lorenzo Simpson (Stony Brook University), Xiangchen Sun (Fudan University), Brian Treanor (Loyola Marymount University), Bernhard Waldenfels (Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum).